Why be a member in IUC Syd?

Do you want to strengthen your company and expand your network, while also helping to develop industry in Skåne? In that case, join us in IUC Syd!

Membership in IUC Syd gives your company support for long-term strategic development. We are a unique and neutral meeting place between the business community, academia, and the public sector. Membership gives you access to Skåne’s largest industrial business network and to vital development initiatives in a time of rapid change. Your company is strengthened in terms of technology, business, and skills and expertise. You become part of a strong network of interesting sector colleagues, and also make important contacts with potential collaboration partners.

Through membership, you become a part of the non-profit association that owns IUC Syd, and your voice becomes significant for the development of sustainable industry in Skåne.
Christine Harde, Membership Manager, IUC Syd

Which type of membership is best for your industrial company?


Basic membership
This is our basic membership level for industrial companies. This gives you access to a number of development opportunities, offers, and services.

Plus membership
This level of membership is for industrial companies that want access to all our networks and all the content in the basic membership.

Network membership
This is for industrial companies that want to participate in one or more specific networks.

Contact details


0733-50 30 11

Christine Harde


Mina styrkor på jobbet är min höga förmåga att kommunicera med människor och i synnerhet företagare. Tack vare mina erfarenhet av att själv driva företag har jag helt enkelt förståelse för helheten i att driva företag och allt vad det innebär. I övrigt är jag en glad, positiv och utåtriktad person som har nära till skratt och får andra att känna sig trygga i min närvaro!

Något inte alla vet om mig är att jag är en jäkel på att spela luftgitarr!

Contact details

  • 0733-50 30 11